
I am a Privatdozent in the Institute of Sociology at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. I hold a habilitation in sociology from the University of Duisburg-Essen (2020). Before joining my current institution, I was a senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne (2011-2020). At the MPIfG I worked in the Illegal Markets Project led by Jens Beckert and Renate Mayntz. Awarded with a scholarship by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, I was a postdoc at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies in Hamburg and a visiting fellow at the Department of Sociology at the University of Oxford (2010-2012). I obtained my PhD in Political Science from the University of Rostock, Germany (2009) and a degree in sociology from the Del Salvador University in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Board member of the Economic Sociology research network of the European Sociological Association.

Global Ambassador Program of the Economic Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association.

Member of the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

2009-2020 Member of the Board for International Cooperation Programs in Science and Technology Abroad. Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (Argentina).

Reviewer for Austrian Science Fund, American Journal of Sociology, Qualitative Sociology, Theory & Society, Socio-Economic Review, Current Sociology, Journal of Latin American Studies, Latin American Research Review, Policing and Society, Soziale Welt, Crime, Law and Social Change, CONICET, Ideas / Papeles de Trabajo, Miríada.

You can download a PDF version of my CV here:

Board member of the Economic Sociology research network of the European Sociological Association.

Global Ambassador Program of the Economic Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association.

Member of the Max Planck Partner Group for the Sociology of Economic Life at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

2009-2020 Member of the Board for International Cooperation Programs in Science and Technology Abroad. Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (Argentina).

Reviewer for Austrian Science Fund, American Journal of Sociology, Qualitative Sociology, Theory & Society, Socio-Economic Review, Current Sociology, Journal of Latin American Studies, Latin American Research Review, Policing and Society, Soziale Welt, Crime, Law and Social Change, CONICET, Ideas / Papeles de Trabajo, Miríada.

You can download a PDF version of my CV here: